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Sonia Robles

Linda Hall Library Announces 2023-24 Fellowships

The Linda Hall Library is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2024-25 research fellowships. During the coming academic year, the Library will support 22 scholars, including both residential and virtual fellows. Residential fellows will travel to Kansas City to explore our collections, while virtual fellows will conduct research remotely using digitized materials.  

The 2024-25 cohort includes researchers based in the United States, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, the Netherlands, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. These doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, and independent researchers will use the Library’s holdings to investigate the history of science, technology, and engineering. Their projects reflect the breadth and depth of our collections, including investigations of astrology in seventeenth-century Europe, the birchbark canoe in early America, and the Moroccan phosphate industry. 

The Linda Hall Library is also offering several specialized research fellowships this year:  

  • Allison Marsh, an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of South Carolina, received the Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Csaba Olasz, a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego, received the History of Science and Medicine Fellowship, which has been jointly sponsored by the Linda Hall Library and the Clendening History of Medicine Library at the University of Kansas Medical Center since 2019.  
  • Carlisle Yingst, a lecturer at Harvard University, received the Presidential Fellowship in Bibliography, which supports research that focuses on the study of books and manuscripts as physical artifacts. 
  • As part of an ongoing collaboration with the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative, the Library is offering virtual research fellowships to three Ukrainian scholars: Olena Korzun, Tamara Kutsaieva, and Olena Uvarova

Further information about these scholars and their research projects will be posted on the fellowship program page prior to the start of the academic year on July 1, 2024. For now, please join us in welcoming the 2024-25 fellows to the Linda Hall Library’s scholarly community!

2024-25 Linda Hall Library Fellows

  • Yeo-Jin Katerina Bong (University of Toronto/Metropolitan Museum of Art), Virtual Fellow 
    Against Earth: Architectural Underground and Foundation in Sixteenth-to-Seventeenth Century Italy 
  • Kathryn Bruce (University of St. Andrews), Residential Fellow 
    North American Fruitgrowers’ Associations and Fireblight 
  • Claire Cage (University of South Alabama), Virtual Fellow  
    Animals, Empire, and Zoos in Modern Paris  
  • Nathan Chaplin (University of Iowa), Virtual Fellow 
    Surveying the Tropics, Constructing the Heartland: Identity Formation in Nicaragua and the Midwest  
  • Sunny Chen (University of California, Los Angeles), Residential Fellow 
    Environment, Science, and Development: The Moroccan Phosphate Industry from Protectorate to Independence (1912-1965)  
  • Surekha Davies (Freelance Writer and Author), Virtual Fellow 
    Humans: A Monstrous History 
  • Bryce Evans (Liverpool Hope University), Virtual Fellow  
    New Trade Routes and the Globalization of Taste: Evidence from the Linda Hall Library’s Panama Canal Holdings 
  • Sam Franz (University of Pennsylvania), Residential Fellow 
    From Computing Centers to Computer Science: The Political Economy of American Universities and the Rise of Computing, 1930–1990 
  • Margaret Gaida (California Institute of Technology), Virtual Fellow 
    A Prognostication Not-So-Everlasting: Shifting Attitudes towards Astrology in Seventeenth-Century Europe 
  • Claire Gilbert (Saint Louis University), Residential Fellows  
    Converting Texts: The Modern Legacies of Renaissance Arabic Linguistics across the Mediterranean 
  • Ericka Herazo (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano), Residential Fellow 
    Controversies and Uncertainties in the Building of AI: A Social History Approach 
  • Minseok Jang (University at Albany), Virtual Fellow 
    Kerosene Anti-monopoly: An Environmental History of the Antitrust Movement against Standard Oil, 1846–1911 
  • Olena Korzun (National Scientific Agricultural Library, National Agrarian Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Ukraine Fellow 
    The Discovery of the American Horticultural Miracle: A Study of American Horticulture by Yaroslav Nemets (1842-1898) 
  • John Kuhn (SUNY-Binghampton), Residential Fellow  
    Canoes and Canals: A New History of Indigenous and Settler River-Power and Infrastructure in North America, 1600-1900 
  • Tamara Kutsaieva (The National Historical-Architectural Museum “The Fortress of Kyiv”), Ukraine Fellow 
    Overseas Travel of the Dolphin and Anchor: Aldines from the Collections of the Linda Hall Library 
  • Allison Marsh (University of South Carolina), Residential Fellow  
    150 Years of Women in the IEEE, IRE, and AIEE 
  • Csaba Olasz (University of California, San Diego), History of Science & Medicine Fellow 
    The Movement against Reductionism: An Artist’s Intervention in the Life Sciences, 1950–1980 
  • Myrna Perez (Ohio University), Virtual Fellow 
    The Ontology of a Mixed-Race Woman 
  • Ramya Swayamprakash (Grand Valley State University), Residential Fellow 
    Knowledge for Empire, Imperial Rivers: Legacies of Hydraulic Engineering Education in the United States, Britain, India, and Canada, 1850–1940 
  • Olena Uvarova (Odesa National Medical University), Ukraine Fellow 
    Women in Medical Education and Science in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (On the Example of Odesa) 
  • Felipe Vilo Muñoz (The University of Texas at Austin), Virtual Fellow 
    The Rise of the Atacama Desert: Exploration and Knowledge Production 1820–1880 
  • Carlise Yingst (Harvard University), Presidential Fellow in Bibliography 
    Transitions by the Book: Print and the Remaking of Gender in Britain, 1745–1900