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Acceptable Use Policy

Public Workstations and Wireless Access

Use of public workstations and wireless network at the Linda Hall Library requires your agreement to the following conditions:

I understand and accept that the Internet contains information, both written and pictorial, which may be offensive or harmful to myself and/or others.

I will comply with all state and federal laws including those regarding obscenity, pornography, or delivery to minors of material deemed harmful to them.

I understand and accept the responsibility to respect the intellectual property rights of authors, contributors, and publishers in all media; and protect login, password, and systems resources from unauthorized use.

I understand and accept that I create, store, and use personal files at my own risk and that the Library is not responsible for the loss of personal electronic documents and/or files.

I will comply with the policies, procedures, and rules of the Library. I understand and accept that my failure to comply will result in Library penalties that range from suspension of Internet privileges and/or permanent eviction from the Library.

I understand and accept that individual Library staff members are not authorized to approve exceptions or otherwise modify these policies.

I understand that Library staff members are not required to provide technical assistance with my personal devices.

I release the Library from all liabilities associated with my viewing of, use of, or exposure to any information, machine-readable file, picture, graphical representation, or illustration I may encounter while using any public workstation, whether or not such information appears or is delivered through the particular device I operate.

The Library’s Acceptable Use Policy conforms with and incorporates the Acceptable Use Policies of the University of Missouri (UM) System  and the Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet). I understand and accept the requirements of these.

I understand and accept that the Library reserves the right to change this acceptable use policy and other procedures.