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Detail of the arches and roadway. Image source: Woodward, Calvin Milton. A History of the St. Louis Bridge. St. Louis, G. I. Jones and Company, 1881, pl. 19.

Centuries of Civil Engineering

A Rare Book Exhibition Celebrating the Heritage of Civil Engineering

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Eddystone Lighthouse south elevation. Image source: Smeaton, John. A Narrative of the building and a description of the construction of the Edystone Lighthouse with stone. London: Printed for the author by H. Hughs, 1791.

This exhibition of rare books was on display in the Linda Hall Library's exhibition hall from February - October 2002.  The physical exhibit and this online presentation are the result of contributions from many people.

Exhibition curators:
Bruce Bradley, Librarian for History of Science

William B. Ashworth, Jr., Consultant for History of Science

Editorial Assistance and Exhibition Mounting:
Cynthia J. Rogers, History of Science Assistant

Image Scanning:
Robert Mason, Digital Services Technician

Photography and Web site:
Bruce Bradley

Exhibition Migration:
Rebeca Escamilla, Curatorial Fellow

Special Thanks to:
Curtis Deane, President
ASCE Foundation
For his unflagging enthusiasm and coordination of all events in the ASCE 150th Anniversary Celebration.

All books and printed materials in this exhibition are from the History of Science Collection of the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering & Technology, Kansas City, Missouri.