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Jamieson, Alexander. A celestial atlas: comprising a systemic display of the heavens in a series of thirty maps. London, 1822, pl. 25.

Further Out: Recent Acquisitions of Celestial Atlases

An Exhibition of Rare Books from the Collection of the Linda Hall Library And a Supplement to Out of This World

Bibliography and Index


We would like to acknowledge our debt to the following works, which were very helpful in the writing of this catalog:

Warner, Deborah Jean. The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography, 1500-1800. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1979.

Ridpath, Ian. Star Tales. New York: Universe Books, 1988.

Index and Exhibit List

Aratus Solensis. [Greek] Aratou Soleôs Phainomena kai diosêmeia. Paris, 1559. Exhibit item 1.

Bartak, Johann Baptist. Gemeinfassliche Anleitung zur leichten Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels mittelst einer beigefügte grossen Sternkarte. Vienna: J. G. Heubner, 1827. Exhibit item 12.

Bode, Johann Elert. Vorstellung der Gestirne auf XXXIV Kupfertafeln nach der Pariser Ausgabe des Flamsteadschen Himmelsatlas. Berlin, Straslund: Gottlieb August Lange, 1782. Exhibit item 6.

Brooke, Henry. A Guide to the Stars. London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1820. Exhibit item 9.

Green, Jacob. Astronomical Recreations: or Sketches of the Relative Position and Mythological History of the Constellations. Philadelphia: A. Finley, 1824. Exhibit item 11.

Grienberger, Christoph. Catalogus veteres affixarum longitudines ac latitudines conferens cum novis. Rome: Apud Bartholomaeum Zannettum, 1612. Exhibit item 2.

Jamieson, Alexander. A Celestial Atlas: Comprising a Systemic Display of the Heavens in a Series of Thirty Maps. London: G. & W.B. Whittaker..., 1822. Exhibit item 10.

Meissner, August Gorrlieb. Astronomischer Hand-Atlas zu Rüdigers Kenntniss des Himmels. Leipzig: Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius., 1805. Exhibit item 7.

Middleton, James. A Celestial Atlas: Containing Maps of All the Constellations, Cisible in Great Britain, with Corresponding Blank Maps of the Stars: Systematically Arranged for Communication a Practical Knowledge of the Heavens. London: Whittaker and Co, [1842]. Exhibit item 14.

Muncherus, Thomas. Mythographi latini. Amsterdam: Joannis à Someren, 1681. Exhibit item 5.

Reissig, Kornelii Khristianovich. Sozviezdiia predstavlennyia na XXX tablitsakh. St. Petersburg: Tipografīi︠a︡ Kh. Gint︠s︡a, 1829. Exhibit item 13.

Riedig, C. G. Himmels-Atlas in 20 Blättern nach den grossen Bodenschen Sternkarten. Leipzig: Schreibers Erben, [1849]. Exhibit item 15.

Strauch, Aegidius. Astrognosia synoptice et methodice in usum academicum adornata. Wittenberg: Sumptibus autoris / Literis Jobi Wilhelmifincelil, 1659. Exhibit item 3.

Strauch, Aegidius. Astrognosia, synoptice et methodice… Editio secunda, priori multo auctior ed. Wittenberg: Sumptibus Haered, et al, 1668. Exhibit item 4.

Whitwell, Catherine Vale. An Astronomical Catechism: or, Dialogues between a Mother and Her Daughter. London: By the author, 1818. Exhibit item 8.