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Virgo. Image source: Bode, Johann Elert. Uranographia. Berlin, 1801, pl. 14.

Out of This World

The Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas

Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August. Neue Uranometrie. Berlin, 1843.

It would be easy to overlook Argelander's star atlas; at first glance, it seems to resemble the semi-professional or popular atlases that surround it in the exhibition case. In fact, it is something quite new and different; it is, quite explicitly, a New Uranometria, with Bayer's same intention of identifying and positioning all the naked-eye stars, but with the benefit of two hundred additional years of stellar astronomy. Each Argelander chart has faint constellation figures, and interestingly, these are copies of the original figures used by Bayer, as we can see by comparing this plate with Bayer's plate of Gemini.

Gemini. Image source: Argelander, Friedrich. Neue Uranometrie. Berlin: Simon Schropp u. comp., 1843, pl. 8.

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Gemini. Image source: Bayer, Johannes. Uranometria. Augsburg: Excudit Christophorus Mangus, 1603.

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The non-traditional constellations, such as those of Hevelius, are also presented in a Bayer style. But the real focus is on the stars, their magnitude and position. The charts are uncluttered with extraneous information, but the information presented is as accurate as it was possible to be in 1843. If the Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas ends with Bode in 1801, the modern age of the professional star chart begins here.