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Scheiner, Christoph. Rosa Vrsina: siue, Sol. Bracciani, Apud Andream Phaeum typographum ducalem, 1630, p. 150.

The Sun in Early Modernity

An Online Exhibition at the Linda Hall Library. Curated by Sophie Battell and MA Students from the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Architecture: Solar Design 

Alberti, Leon Battista. The architecture of Leon Batista Alberti in ten books, London, 1755.  

Ashworth, William B. ‘Scientist of the Day – Giovanni Domenico Cassini’, Linda Hall Library, 8 June 2015. https://www.lindahall.org/about/news/scientist-of-the-day/giovanni-domenico-cassini/

Benavides, Annick. “The Treasure of Coricancha.” Ñawpa Pacha, vol. 43, no.2, 2023, pp. 139–173. 

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico. La Meridiana del Tempio di S. Petronio, Bologna, 1695.  

Dodds Pennock, Caroline. “A warlike culture? Religion and war in the Aztec world.” History and Anthropology, 2022, pp.1-24 (note: repository copy).  

Fantham, Elaine. “The Performing Prince.” A Companion to the Neronian Age, edited by Emma Buckley and Martin T. Dinter. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp.17-28.  

Fink, Rita. “Inca Shadow Casting Observations in Cuzco.” JHA, 2008, pp.357-361.  

Ganeri, Anita. “The Four Past Worlds.” Mesoamerican Myth: A Treasury of Central American Legends, Art, and History. Routledge, 2008. (Note: access to source not provided by UZH, I used only the chapter abstract). 

Hancock, James F. “Agriculture in the Americas Before the European Conquest.” World Agriculture Before and After 1492, 2022, Springer Nature, pp.31-50.  

Heilbron, J.L. The sun in the church. Cathedrals as solar observatories, Harvard UP, 1999. 

Heim, Arnold. “The Spanish monastery church of San Domingo in Cuzco over the foundation of the Inca sun temple Coricancha.” ETHBIB.Bildarchiv, 2023, https://www.e-pics.ethz.ch/index/ETHBIB.Bildarchiv.ID/ETHBIB.Bildarchiv_1822904.html.  

Mratschek, Sigrid. “Nero the Imperial Misfit: Philhellenism in a Rich Man’s World.” A Companion to the Neronian Age, edited by Emma Buckley and Martin T. Dinter. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp.45-64.  

Pandey, Nandini B. “Caesar's Comet, the Julian Star, and the Invention of Augustus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 143, No. 2, 2013, pp. 405-449. 

Quinlan-McGrath, Mary. Influences. Art, optics, and astrology in the Italian Renaissance, University of Chicago Press, 2013. 

Ryff, Walther Hermann. Bawkunst […], Basel, 1582. 

Wilford, John Noble. “String, and Knot, Theory of Inca Writing.” New York Times, 12 Aug. 2003, https://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/12/science/string-and-knot-theory-of-inca-writing.html