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Scheiner, Christoph. Rosa Vrsina: siue, Sol. Bracciani, Apud Andream Phaeum typographum ducalem, 1630, p. 150.

The Sun in Early Modernity

An Online Exhibition at the Linda Hall Library. Curated by Sophie Battell and MA Students from the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Chronometry: Timekeeping and the Sun  

Appleton, Stephanie. “Shakespeare in 100 Objects: Pocket Dial.” Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, 21 Mar. 2012, https://www.shakespeare.org.uk/explore-shakespeare/blogs/shakespeare-100- objects-pocket-dial/.  

Blagrave, John. The Mathematicall Jewell. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971. 

Blagrave, John. The Art of Dyalling in Two Parts. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1968. 

Corts, Martín. The arte of nauigation […]. Abell Jeffes, 1589. 

Derham, William. The Artificial Clock-Maker. A Treatise of Watch and Clock-Work, […]. Crown in St Paul’s Church-yard, 1700. 

Eagleton, Catherine. Monks, Manuscripts and Sundials: The Navicula in Medieval England. Brill, 2010. 

Gatty, Alfred, et al. The Book of Sun-Dials; Originally Compiled by the Late Mrs. Alfred Gatty; Now Enl. and Re-Edited by H. K. F. Eden and Eleanor Lloyd. 4th ed., G. Bell, 1900. 

Green, Arthur Robert. Sundials, Incised Dials or Mass-Clocks; a Study of the Time-Markers of Medieval Churches, Containing Descriptions, Photographs, Diagrams and Analysis of Dials, Chiefly in Hampshire, but Also in Various Other Counties, by Arthur Robert Green. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1926. 

Green, Arthur Robert. “Anglo-Saxon Sundials.” The Antiquaries Journal, vol. 8, no. 4, 1928, pp. 489-516.  

Münster, Sebastian, and Sebastian Schmid. Der horologien, oder Sonnen vhren, künstliche Beschreibung […].Officin Henricpetrina, 1579. 

Schöner, Andreas. Ein Kurtzer und grüntlicher bericht: leicht lich un[d] künstlich aller art Sonnen uhren zu machen zu nutzlichem gebrauch aller kunstliebenden gestellet […]. Johann vom Berg und Ulrich Newber, 1562. 

Ward, Francis Alan Burnett. Handbook of the Collections Illustrating Time Measurement, by F. A. B. Ward. H. M. Stationary Office, 1936.  


Bosworth Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online: https://bosworthtoller.com/ 

Cleasby & Vigfusson Old Norse Dictionary: https://cleasby-vigfusson-dictionary.vercel.app/  

Online Etymology Dictionary: https://www.etymonline.com/  

The Old Norse Dictionary: https://oldnorse.org/2020/09/06/the-old-norse-dictionary/