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Nasmyth, James Hall, James Carpenter. The Moon : Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. 2nd ed. London: John Murray, 1874.

The Face of the Moon: Galileo to Apollo

An Exhibition of Rare Books and Maps

Weinek, Ladislaus (1848-1913).

Photographischer Mond-Atlas, vornehmlich auf Grund von focalen Negativen der Lick-Sterwarte in Massstabe eines Monddurchmessers von 10 Fuss ausgeführt. – Prague: Verlag von Carl Bellmann, 1897-1900.

Since Weinek had acquired a reputation as an exceptional printer of photographic negatives (so he himself tells us), he decided to embark on his own photographic lunar atlas, using negatives from the Lick and Paris Observatories which the directors had generously given him. Sections of the negatives were enlarged about 24 times, and the intention was to cover the entire lunar surface twice, with both morning and evening illumination. The atlas was issued in ten fasicles of twenty plates each over the course of three years. Another 200 plates were planned to complete the atlas, but the first volume was so expensive that the enterprise was abandoned.

The plate of Copernicus was made from a negative provided by the Paris Observatory, taken September 29, 1896. It was enlarged to a scale of over 13 feet to the moon's diameter. The positive was then printed by collotype, which gives the finest grain of any photographic printing process. The grain of the original negative, however, is noticeable. A quite different view of Copernicus can be seen in the photograph taken by Apollo 17 (see item 39). Image source: Weinek, Ladislaus. Photographischer Mond-Atlas: vornehmlich auf Grund von focalen Negativen der Lick-Sternwarte im Massstabe eines Monddurchmessers von 10 Fuss ausgeführt. Vol. 10, Prague: Verlag von Carl Bellmann 1897, pl. 186.

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