Smith’s Geological Map of Derbyshire, 1815
Smith, William (1679-1839). A Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales, with Part of Scotland. London: J. Cary, 1815.
William Smith’s geological map of England is much better known than Farey’s, and was recently called, somewhat over-enthusiastically, "the map that changed the world". It is nevertheless a monumental cartographical achievement. It was issued in fifteen sections, and in our copy, the sections are bound as an atlas. Section 8 shows the area that includes Derbyshire. There is a formation that is colored bright blue, and looks a bit like a amoeba. This blue region contains the Derbyshire toadstone, and corresponds to Farey’s formations 8 and 9. In the bottom right corner of the blue area you can see the word "Matlock Bath." This is where Whitehurst made the section that we have on display (see exhibit item 42).
Eyles 1985, “William Smith, Sir Joseph Banks, and the French Geologists;” Torrens 2001, “Timeless Order; William Smith (1769-1839) and the Search for Raw Materials 1800-1820;” Eyles, Joan M., “Smith, William,” in DSB 12:486-492.