Drielli Peyerl
(Residential Fellow, 2017-18)

Drielli Peyerl
Residential Fellow
Cornucopia: The Hunger for Energy Resources in South America
Drielli Peyerl graduated in history (2007) and geography (2012) from the University of Ponta Grossa; Master Degree in Territory Management (2010) from the University of Ponta Grossa; Ph.D. in Sciences (2014) from the University of Campinas, in the specialty of the History of Science and Technology. Her postdoctoral studies were at the Department of Scientific and Technological Research, University of Campinas and in the history department in the Oklahoma State University as a Visiting Scholar (from 07/2014 to 06/2017). In 2017, she published the book ‘O Petróleo no Brasil’ (English title: The Oil in Brazil) where demonstrated the construction of the know-how in the exploration and formation of the industry of petroleum in Brazil.
She has a postdoctoral fellowship at Linda Hall Library to research her current project entitled ‘Cornucopia: the hunger for energy resources in South America’. The project’s goal is to study and analyze the historical context and the energy policies adopted by South American countries through the influence of transnational North American companies and professionals on the use and exploration of energy sources from the end of nineteenth century to the twentieth century. The work will concentrate on the exploration of the Amazon Basin by foreign companies but it will not be limited to it. She has experience in history, with emphasizes in History of Science and Technology, History of Latin America, History of Oil, History of Geosciences, as well as on the thematic of biographies and scientific archives.